Sunday 1 February 2015

6 Health Benefits of Carrot

6 Health Benefits of Carrot

Carrot is the most popular vegetable in the world, It is rich in Vitamin A and other minerals,
If you need Vitamin A, forget about pills, just eat fresh carrots.
 read more about carrot below :

1. Vitamins and Minerals:
Carrots are the best way to vitamin A and other important minerals like sodium sulphure chlorine and a little amount of iodine.

2. Cleans Blood
Carrots help our body to clean our blood and make it healthy.

3. Improves Eye Vision
Carrots are rich in beta-carotene Which converts into Vitamin A into our liver, It helps our eyes to improve vision.

4. Prevent Cancer
Carrots help prevent cancer into our body, Studies show that it help to prevent 
Colon Cancer, lungs cancer, Breast Cancer.Falcarinol is a compound that only found in Carrots, it is a compound that help prevent bacteria and fungus in carrot when it is underground. So it is a compound that prevent cancer in our body by more than 30%. 

5. Prevent Dental Disease
After Lunch or dinner, just eat a fresh raw carrot. it help to remove food particles that are stuck in our teeth. It also make our gums strong and help to prevent bleeding gums disease.

6.  Slows Down Aging IN Our Body Carrots have antioxidant properties which help to repair damage cells of our body, and it also slow down the process of aging.

Article By : Zak


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