Sunday 21 September 2014

How to Look Good when You Wake Up

How to Look Good when You Wake Up

So many of us struggle with long morning commutes and sleep deprivation that we want to cut down the amount of time we spend getting ready in the morning as much as possible. Who wouldn't like to wake up and instantly look gorgeous? While it may be impossible to bounce out of bed and out the door instantly. But you still can show your best in the morning, especially if you are on a school trip (for example) and you share your room with other girls.

If you are interested in finding out how to look your best when you wake up, keep on reading this article, it may help you.


1. Remove all makeup before going to bed
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Do not sleep with any makeup on; otherwise, it's almost guaranteed to smear overnight and ruin your skin as well as your look in the morning. Cleanse your face with a gentle makeup remover and then scrub with a facial wash to remove pore-clogging debris from your face before you go to sleep. You will appear more refreshed and natural when you wake up. Pay special attention to your forehead, nose and chin. These areas usually get oily and you definitely want to get rid of any possible makeup in these specific areas.

2. Rinse your face with hot water to open your pores and prepare your skin for a deep cleanse
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Using the tips of your index and middle fingers, lather facial wash across your face in circles, scrubbing thoroughly. Let the soap or cleanser soak in your skin for 1 minute, so that you will avoid any zits in the next morning. Then use cold water to rinse off the cleanser and close your pores. Gently dab a towel around your face to absorb any left out solution from your skin to prevent dryness.

3. Even if you haven't put on makeup that day, wash your face before you go to bed because there is a chance that you can produce blackheads on your face or pimples overnight.

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Use a facial exfoliate to get rid of any dead skin cells and for a healthier, way more luminous appearance for the other day.

4. Also make sure to wash your face in the morning to cleanse your pores before you start the day. 
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You can also consider using a iluminant serum, that basically lightens up your face instantly and making it look more vibrant. Then apply a moisturizer for a polished, refreshed look.

5. Take care of your hair before going to bed
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If you sleep with unkempt hair, it will only become worse and more entangled in the morning. If you take nighttime showers, it's a good idea to wait until your hair air dries and then brush through it before going to sleep. Alternatively, blow dry your hair and brush it. If your hair tends to tangle a lot, use a detangler right over you wash your skin. You won't experience tangled hair in the morning. Apply any over produce that makes your hair look clean, nice and voluminous. A fabulous hair usually masks a not-so-fabulous skin, so GO FOR IT!

6. Consider doing your hair in a tight, high ponytail with no loose hairs before going to bed at night.Look Good when You Wake Up Step 6.jpg

If you do this, your hair will appear more effortless yet fabulous when you are waking up. Also give your scalp a nice massage. If you want to, you can pour some drops of lavender oil or any essential oil you like and massage that scalp. Spray your favorite perfume on your hair-brush and brush your hair. In the morning you will be as fresh as a daisy.

7. If you have a face that pairs well with slightly wavy hair, you can also do a high, tight ponytail with no loose hairs and braid it very tightly. Look Good when You Wake Up Step 7.jpg

Make sure that the ponytail isn't too low, or it will appear that you only braided half your hair. If there are any loose hairs, clip them up so they don't become more loose when you awaken. When you wake up in the morning, there will be nice, even waves in your hair for a casually-messy-but-polished look.

8. If you routinely straighten your hair, consider doing it before you go to bed and when you wake up in the morning. Look Good when You Wake Up Step 8.jpg

It will cut the amount of time you have to spend straightening in the morning in half, and will ensure that your hair stays better put together when you wake up in the morning.

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Are you drooling? Don't be drooling! If you find yourself drooling in the middle of night, stop yourself. Keep a box of Kleenex by your nightstand so you can conveniently wipe away drool.

Some people drool because they have allergies and it's hard for them to breathe through their nose. Consequently, they breathe through their mouth and as a result, constantly keep their mouth open throughout the night. You may want to get a nasal spray or other device to keep your nasal airways open at night, so you can close your mouth and limit the drooling when you sleep.

10. Wipe away eye solids (boogers) as they develop. Look Good when You Wake Up Step 10.jpg

When a person wakes up and has had their eyes closed for a long period of time, they get green liquids and solids on their eyes... not pretty. To prevent this, you can keep a glass of water or wet paper towel next to you in the middle of the night and wipe your eyes.

11. Stop your nose from running.Look Good when You Wake Up Step 11.jpg  
Blow your nose a LOT before you go to bed, but don't overdo it such that you irritate your nose (and cause it to become red and puffy). Also, keep a box of tissues by you in the middle of the night so if you have nose issues, you can fix it quickly.

12. Get the right amount of sleep your body needs.
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If you don't follow this rule, you will feel tired in the morning and getting up will be an ugly struggle. Your eyes may start to develop dark circles and heavy bags, making you appear tired. If this happens, put a spoon that has been refrigerated overnight or a piece of cucumber and under your eyes for a few minutes and hold it there. The cold temperature will reduce the darkness and it will become less noticeable

13. Brush Your Teeth the Night Before.
Brushing your teeth at night is actually proven to be more important than brushing your teeth in the morning. If you don't, your teeth will be very noticeable and gross in the morning. Consider using a good mouthwash for a fresh breath and floss your teeth. Chew a gum for 3-5 minutes and them pop a mint in your mouth. Now you can SMILE without worrying anymore!

14. Chapped Lips.
People often have chapped lips when they awaken in the morning from all night of no lip gloss, lipstick, sunscreen, chap stick, or liquids! To try to prevent this, put on chap stick and drink water before and after you wake up. If you have extremely dry lips, use a lip exfoliate. You can also create your own! ( a spoon of sugar and some drops of water or olive oil ) . Gently rub your lips with the scrub and then, with a clean material, wipe it off. NEVER PUT WATER ON YOUR LIPS. This is actually going to make them even drier and dead looking.

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